Eagle Environmental LLC
5391 Raiders Road, Frazeysburg, OH 43822
Call - 855.715.3321
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If you would like to add your testimonial to our existing valued testimonials list, please send us yours by submission through our contact form. Our clients' input is considered a solid reflection of our company's values.

Eagle Environmental LLC has provided Detroit Reman East services to handle our waste – hazardous & non-hazardous – for over seven (7) years now.   Eagle Environmental LLC has proven themselves to not only be able to handle Detroit Reman East’s current waste issues but also resolve any new waste handling issues that might come up.   One of Detroit Reman East’s environmental goals is to become “Zero – Landfill”.  Eagle Environmental LLC has continued to be very helpful in helping Detroit Reman East achieve that goal.

Michael R. Heiney, CESM,CESCO, Environmental Health / Safety Manager

The fast expedient services provided to Guild have been top notch, turn-key on all of our waste disposal needs. From Oil & Paint disposal to Adsorbents, and absorbents to Lab Pack-outs on excess chemicals, Eagle Environmental is an excellent choice. I would highly recommend their services as one of the best in the city.

Rod Bishop, Guild Associates

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